Moose Hill Nature Camp Programs & Pricing
At Moose Hill Nature Camp, we strive to connect campers to the natural world, and to create a community where individuals feel that they belong.
2025 Camp Pricing
Prices shown represent a range based on a sliding scale. A sliding scale pricing structure makes camp affordable for families by removing financial barriers and expanding access to camp for families in an easy, dependable, and confidential process. Tiered pricing is based on availability. Please note: All camp families registering at Tiers 4 or 5 must have an active membership at the family level or higher for the duration of the camp session. View the sliding scale tier levels
Nature Camps
Themed one-week sessions, June 23-August 22 (no camp July 4)
Monday–Friday, 8:45 am–4:15 pm
Nature Camp connects children with the world around them through outdoor explorations, hands-on activities, fun games, and creative crafts. Weekly themes are explored by everyone, but activities differ for each age group.

Discoverers • Ages 5–6 (Entering K–grade 1)
Discoverers learn about native animals, hike the property, learn to use their senses to explore their environment, and play with new friends. Small group size ensures that each child is heard and has opportunities to contribute to their group. See available sessions
Sliding Scale Price Range: $98-$490

Explorers • Ages 7–8 (Entering grades 2–3)
Explorers work cooperatively to explore Moose Hill's various ecosystems; play interactive games; and dig deeper into native species' adaptations, behaviors, and food webs. Explorers will also learn about our climate here in Massachusetts and how they can play a role in conserving nature. See available sessions
Sliding Scale Price Range: $98-$490

Investigators • Ages 9–12 (Entering grades 4–7)
Investigators delve deeper into the web of life and how systems are interconnected. And they explore ways that they can help the environment. Campers act as mentors to younger campers and explore the sanctuary on and off-trail. Investigators will also get the opportunity to dig a little deeper into the themes each week. See available sessions
Sliding Scale Price Range: $98-$490

Teen Camp • Ages 13–16 (Entering grades 7–10)
Teen Camp is an opportunity for our oldest campers to continue to be at camp, be campers, and take part in all the same nature camp activities with additional opportunities to explore and create a community. See available sessions
Sliding Scale Price Range: $98-$490
Specialty & Leadership Camps
Monday-Friday, 9:00 am-4:00 pm
Weekly sessions June 23-August 15 (no camp July 4)
Nature Adventure Camp and CITs run every week; Environmental Teen Leaders and STEAM Camp alternate weeks.

STEAM Camp • Ages 11-13 (Entering grades 6-8)
Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math (STEAM) Camp has interactive, hands-on activities, teamwork, and motivated instructors make learning fun. Days are a blend of games, hikes, experiments, observations, and focused activities that capture your curiosity, imagination, and interest in how the world works. Session start dates: June 23, July 7, July 21, August 4. See available sessions
Sliding Scale Price Range: $98-$490

Environmental Teen Leaders • Ages 13-16 (Entering grades 7-10)
Learn about civic action and how to be an effective environmental advocate. During each session, develop leadership and community-building skills while learning about how to take action on environmental challenges. Find out how to best apply these community building and leadership skills to make a positive impact on your community and the world. Session start dates: June 30, July 14, July 28, August 11. See available sessions
Sliding Scale Price Range: $98-$490

Nature Adventure Camp • Ages 13–16 (Entering Grades 7-10)
Learn place-based and navigation skills, find out techniques to interpret the natural world, and hone your camping safety skills that will help make your hiking trips more rewarding and safer. Experience what it's like to develop a strong camp community by doing group activities and projects. Session dates: June 23-August 15 (no camp July 4). See available sessions
Sliding Scale Price Range: $98-$490

Counselors-in-Training (CIT): Ages 14-16 (Entering Grades 9-11)
Learn what it takes to be a camp counselor. Spend time outside in nature, working with children. Gain leadership skills and hands-on training while learning to develop activities and lesson plans. If CITs sign up for multiple weeks, they will be given additional tasks and more responsibility to help them develop their skills further with each successive session. Apply to be a CIT
Sliding Scale Price Range: $54-$270
Extended Day
Pre-registration is required for extended day programming; you may add this option at checkout when you register your child for camp or call later to add to your camper's session. Sliding scale pricing also applies to extended-day programming.
Before Camp Program
Ages 5–12 • Starting at 7:45 am
Daily Sliding Scale Price Range: $2-$12
Weekly Sliding Scale Price Range: $12-$60
In the nature center, campers will choose from a variety of activities to start their day.
After Camp
Ages 5–12 • 4:00–6:00 pm
Daily Sliding Scale Price Range: $4-$22
Weekly Sliding Scale Price Range: $22-$112
Make art, catch insects, play table games, or create games to play together.
How to Register
Online registration opens January 15, 2025, at 6:00 am. To make sure you’re prepared, please read our registration instructions ahead of time. To ensure that as many children as possible are able to participate in camp, families may register each camper for no more than four weeks of camp.
Stay Connected
Don't miss a beat on all the ways you can get outdoors, celebrate nature, and get involved.