Children playing in snow We all need nature - and nature needs you! Make your tax-deductible gift today. Click to donate.
Family on boardwalk We all need nature - and nature needs you! Make your tax-deductible gift today. Click to donate.

Habitat is Home Field Trip

Go exploring and discover terrestrial (ex. birds, insects, and more) and aquatic animals (ex. frogs, fish, dragonflies and more), have fun on a scavenger hunt searching for living things and the non-living parts of an ecosystem.

Habitat is Home is a part of a two-part program series with 1x in-class program and 1x field trip program. You may choose to book only the in-class or field trip program, but we recommend booking both for deeper engagement.

This field trip is available at all of our Metro South Sanctuaries which include the Blue Hills Trailside Museum, the Museum of American Bird Art, Moose Hill Wildlife Sanctuary, and Stony Brook Wildlife Sanctuary.

Program Location(s):

  • Stony Brook, Norfolk


Pre K, K, 1, 2


Please see school program brochure for updated pricing information.

Learning Standards Supported:

  • PreK-ESS2-1 (MA) - Earth's Systems - how different local env. provide homes

  • PreK-ESS2-2 (MA) - Earth's Systems - observe/classify (non)living materials

  • PreK-LS2-2 (MA) - Ecosystems--Interactions, Energy, and Dynamics - how familiar plant/animals meet needs

  • PreK-LS2-3 (MA) - Ecosystems--Interactions, Energy, and Dynamics - local plants/animals interdependence

  • K-LS1-1 - From Molecules to Organisms--Structures and Processes - where animals and plants get food

  • 2-LS2-3 (MA) - Ecosystems--Interactions, Energy, and Dynamics - how plant/animals depend on surroundings

  • 2-LS4-1 - Biological Evolution--Unity and Diversity - observe/compare living things diff. env.


For more information email us - [email protected].