Family on boardwalk Join today and get outside at one of our 60+ wildlife sanctuaries.
Family on boardwalk Join today and get outside at one of our 60+ wildlife sanctuaries.
Monarch caterpillar

Birds of Prey

Discover the different birds of prey that call Massachusetts home. Students begin the presentation by handling touchable artifacts to discover the adaptations that make these birds such fierce hunters and that define this group. Working in small groups at inquiry-based exploration stations, students investigate identification, adaptations, and the ecological role played by birds of prey. The program concludes with a live animal encounter featuring two birds of prey.

Program Location(s):

  • Blue Hills Trailside Museum, Milton

  • Your school or other location


3, 4, 5


$225/up to 30 students

Learning Standards Supported:

  • 4-LS1-1 - From Molecules to Organisms--Structures and Processes - animal/plant, internal/external structures


For more information email us - [email protected].