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Friday, February 9, 2024

Several continuing highlights this week included 2 Greater White-fronted Geese at Plum Island, Western Grebes in Winthrop and Mashpee, an Eared Grebe in Marblehead, a Say’s Phoebe in Belchertown, a Yellow-throated Warbler in Marblehead, a Townsend’s Warbler in Cambridge, and a Western Tanager in Sandwich.

Cape Cod luminaries included a continuing Western Kingbird and Lark Sparrow in the vicinity of the Cape Cod Seashore Visitor’s Center in Eastham, a Western Grebe at Attaquin Park on Lake Mashpee in Mashpee, a continuing Western Tanager in the vicinity of the Sandwich Marina in Sandwich, a Pacific Loon and a Glaucous Gull at Race Point in Provincetown, a Thick-billed Murre at MacMillan Wharf in Provincetown, a Lincoln’s Sparrow at Wellfleet Bay Sanctuary in South Wellfleet, a Clay-colored Sparrow at the Eastham stump dump, a Yellow-breasted Chat in East Orleans, a Black-headed Gull and a Semipalmated Plover at Eugenia Fortes Beach in Hyannis, and a continuing Willet at Forest Beach in Chatham.

Bristol County highlights were 10 Northern Shovelers and an Orange-crowned Warbler at Interchange Park in Fall River, and another Orange-crowned Warbler on Gulf Road in Dartmouth.

Plymouth County hosted a Redhead at the Billington Sea in Plymouth, 105 Red Knots at Duxbury Beach, and a Thick-billed Murre and an Orange-crowned Warbler at the Manomet Bird Observatory in Manomet.

Norfolk County sightings of note were a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker at Hall’s Pond in Brookline, 3 Eastern Meadowlarks at the Norfolk Airport, a Dickcissel at a feeder on Madison Avenue in Franklin, and a Northern Shoveler and an Orange-crowned Warbler at Squantum Point Park in Squantum.

Suffolk County notables were 2 Gadwalls at Leverett Pond, a Northern Pintail at Chandler Pond, a continuing Western Grebe at Winthrop Beach, a Winter Wren at Millennium Park in West Roxbury, and 3 Semipalmated Plovers at the Belle Isle Reservation.

Middlesex County luminaries were a continuing Townsend’s Warbler at the Alewife Linear Park Bike Path in Cambridge, a Cackling Goose at The Cistern in Medford, 3 Red-throated Loons at Fresh Pond in Cambridge, 4 Virginia Rails at the Flower Meadow Conservation Area in Auburndale, 8 Northern Pintails at the Mt. Hope Cemetery in Acton, a Brown Thrasher at Wright-Locke Farm in Winchester, 3 Northern Harriers at Great Meadows Refuge in Concord, an 2 Orange-crowned Warblers at Mt. Auburn Cemetery in Cambridge.

Essex County was visited by 2 Greater White-fronted Geese at the north end of Plum Island, a Eared Grebe at the Little Private Beach in Marblehead, a Common Murre at Salem Willows Park in Salem, 3 Black-crowned Night-Herons at Flax Pond in Lynn, an American Bittern at Plum Island, a Yellow-throated Warbler at Castle Rock Park in Marblehead, and a Virginia Rail a the Meadows Golf Course in Peabody.

Berkshire County hosted a Golden Eagle at Hop Brook WMA in Lee, a continuing Dickcissel at a feeder on Jug End Road in South Egremont, 9 Green-winged Teal at Lake Pontoosuc in Pittsfield, and 4 Fish Crows elsewhere in Pittsfield.

Franklin County highlights were a Rough-legged Hawk at gate 35 at Quabbin Reservoir in New Salem, a Clay-colored Sparrow at North Meadows in Deerfield, and a Long-tailed Duck at the Turners Falls Power Canal in Turners Falls.

Hampshire County continued to host a Say’s Phoebe and 5 Pine Warblers in the vicinity of the Quabbin Visitor’s Center in Belchertown, a Wood Duck and 2 Black Vultures near the Liberty Street bridge in Easthampton, 4 American Wigeon at Mitch’s Way in Hadley, 8 Common Loons at Quabbin Park in Ware, 9 Green-winged Teal and 15 Rusty Blackbirds at Great Pond in Hatfield, and a Yellow-rumped Warbler at Arcadia Wildlife Sanctuary in Northampton.

Hampden County was visited by a Snow Goose at Dean Pond Recreational Area in Brimfield.

Worcester County highlights were 3 Sandhill Cranes in a field on Center Bridge Road in Lancaster and 3 more cranes at the Dexter Drumlin in Lancaster, 2 Barrow’s Goldeneyes off the Mass Central Rail Trail in West Boyleston, a Lapland Longspur at the Fitchburg Airport, and 3 Common Loons at gate 40 of the Wachusett Reservoir in Clinton.

Martha’s Vineyard birders were pleased to find 2 Redheads at Lucy Vincent Beach in Chilmark, a Lapland Longspur at Lobsterville Beach, a continuing Eurasian Wigeon at Crystal Lake in Oak Bluffs, a Canvasback and a Lesser Yellowlegs at Black Point in Chilmark, and 20 Tree Swallows at Town Cove in West Tisbury.

Nantucket hosted 3 Northern Shovelers at Hummock Pond, a Great Egret at the Nantucket Life Saving Museum, and a continuing Dickcissel at a feeder at 215 Madaket Road in Madaket.