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Friday, August 4, 2023

This was a relatively quiet week for birds, although small numbers of migrant warblers are increasingly being seen at scattered locations as well as good numbers of shorebirds at many coastal localities. In addition, scattered small flocks of Red Crossbills continue to be reported from a number of localities in western parts of the state.

Cape Cod highlights included a summering Red-necked Grebe off Morris Island in Chatham, a Yellow-throated Warbler at High Head in Truro, a Western Tanager in the Little Nemasket River area of Orleans, a Royal Tern at Race Point in Provincetown, 2 continuing Blue Grosbeaks at the Crane WMA in Falmouth, a Black Skimmer at South Cape Beach in Mashpee, 2 Northern Pintails at Wellfleet Bay Sanctuary in South Wellfleet, 75+ Fish Crows at Hemenway Landing in Eastham where 38 Black-crowned Night-Herons and 7 Yellow-crowned Night-Herons were also tallied, and a Peregrine Falcon at Town Cove in Orleans. Among the birds counted on a seabird survey at Stellwagen Bank were 75 Great Shearwaters, 16 Sooty Shearwaters, 2200 Wilson’s Storm-Petrels, 2 Red Phalaropes, and 5 Parasitic Jaegers.

Bristol County luminaries at Gooseberry Neck in Westport featured and American Golden-Plover and a Cerulean Warbler.

Plymouth County hosted an out of season Townsend’s Solitaire in the Planter’s Hill area of World’s End in Hingham, a Marbled Godwit at Point Connett in Mattapoisett, 4 Soras at the West Meadows WMA in West Bridgewater, another Sora at Daniel Webster Sanctuary in Marshfield, and a Peregrine Falcon at Duxbury Beach.

Norfolk County bright lights were a summering Ring-necked Duck at Houghton’s Pond in Milton, a Merlin at Wollaston Beach, and a Yellow-crowned Night-Heron at Squantum.

Suffolk County migrant highlights at Franklin Park included a Tennessee Warbler, a Bay-breasted Warbler, and a Black-and-white warbler, as well as a Red-shouldered Hawk and a Broad-winged Hawk.

Middlesex County birders were rewarded by sightings of 2 Alder Flycatchers and an Orchard Oriole at Mt. Feake Cemetery in Waltham, 3 more Orchard Orioles at Fresh Pond in Cambridge, 2 Purple Martins in Dunstable, and 3 Red Crossbills at the Squamacook WMA in Shirley.

Essex County hosted a Common Merganser at Crane Beach in Ipswich, and single Yellow-crowned Night-Herons were noted at Plum Island, Childrens Island in Salem, Kettle Island in Manchester, and a solo individual in a marsh on Essex Avenue in Gloucester. Other Plum Island sightings were highlighted by an unseasonal Merlin and a Red-necked Phalarope.

Franklin County luminaries were 3 Sandhill Cranes off Plainfield Road in Ashfield, 2 Bonaparte’s Gulls and 17 Red Crossbills at gate 35 at Quabbin Reservoir in New Salem, and 10 more Red Crossbills at Lake Pleasant in Montague.

Hampshire County highlights included 4 Sandhill Cranes at Glencroft Farm in Southampton and four more cranes in a field on South Central Street in Plainfield, 3 Green-winged Teal in the East Meadows in Northampton, 2 Tennessee Warblers, a Northern Parula, and 2 Orchard Orioles on Moody Bridge Road in Hadley, a Mourning Warbler at Orchard Hill on the UMass campus in Amherst, 2 Cerulean Warblers at Skinner State Park in Holyoke, a continuing Blue Grosbeak at the Honey Pot in Hadley, a Ring-necked Duck at Lake Wallace in Belchertown, and a Sanderling at Arcadia Sanctuary in Easthampton.

Hampden County hosted a Pied-billed Grebe at the Ashley Reservoir in Holyoke.

Worcester County luminaries were a Lawrence’s Warbler at the Westborough WMA in Westborough, 6 Bonaparte’s Gulls at Quabbin Reservoir’s Gate 35 in Petersham, 6 Red at a powerline cut on Elm Street in Leominster, and several additional Red Crossbills at the Eagle Hill Reserve in Royalston and the Birch Hill WMA in Winchendon, a Common Merganser at Coes Reservoir in Worcester, and a Black-crowned Night-Heron at Institute Park in Worcester.

Martha’s Vineyard was visited by a Bald Eagle at Felix Neck Sanctuary, 3 Merlins at the MV Airport and another single Merlin at Gay Head where a Common Raven was also tallied, a Yellow-crowned Night-Heron at Edgartown Harbor, and an Acadian Flycatcher at Waskosim’s Rock in Chilmark.

Nantucket distinguished itself with a summering Razorbill on the beach off Squam Road and a Merlin at Smith Point.