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Family on boardwalk Join today and get outside at one of our 60+ wildlife sanctuaries.
Great-horned owl in winter © Phil Sorrentino
Great Horned Owl © Phil Sorrentino

Fools for Love

January 01, 2018

Think a romantic holiday in the middle of frigid February is something invented by the greeting card industry? 

Perhaps, but a look at the natural world shows that for some wildlife, mid to late winter is, in fact, the perfect time for love.

Great-horned owl in winter © Phil Sorrentino
Great Horned Owl © Phil Sorrentino

Great Horned Owls Hooting for Love

Take Great Horned Owls, for example. The hooting that begins as early as December marks the start of their season of love. But owl courtship looks more like a trust-building exercise than anything romantic. 

One courting activity involves using their beaks to groom the top and back of an intended mate’s head. This behavior is cute when other birds do it, but for owls, it looks like they’re trying to rip off each other’s heads! 

And while sharing food is a common courtship activity among birds, owls typically share something meaty, not birdseed. If the night’s entrée happens to be a skunk, it’s a good thing they can’t smell the perfume. Owls have no sense of smell.

Skunk in winter

Skunks Agree—Love Stinks!

Speaking of skunks, male striped skunks end their winter napping and venture out looking for females around mid-February. They get into fights when they encounter other males, lending to the late-winter/early-spring air one of its most distinctive aromas.

Plus, looking for love means paying less attention to their surroundings, making it more likely that they will become a great horned owl’s dinner special (as mentioned earlier). Unfortunately, they can also have too close of an encounter with a speeding car. After meeting with a receptive female, the male will continue on his merry way in search of another mate.

American woodcock in snow © Jonathan Eckerson
American woodcock © Jonathan Eckerson

Courtship Rituals with the American Woodcock

Perhaps the king of fools for love is the American Woodcock.

This bird looks foolish to begin with, with its wide-set eyes, long beak, and herky-jerky walk. At the end of March, males find a likely spot around sundown and begin making a comical, nasally “peent” sound. Female woodcocks find it irresistible.

Once a female arrives, the male leaps into the air, gains altitude, and starts spiraling like he's caught in a cyclone. Specialized feathers in the bird’s wingtips vibrate, making a high-pitched whirring sound. This noise harmonizes with an extremely high-pitched, chirping whistle that gets faster and faster, louder and louder.

The finale to the airshow? An abrupt landing and more “peent” calls, which ultimately sweep the female off her feet. Winter birders love to watch this famous courtship ritual, and opportunities to witness them can be found around the state. 

Maybe romance in February doesn’t seem so foolish after all!

Invite a Loved One to Get Outdoors

There's nothing like exploring the outdoors with someone you love. Invite your sweetheart to look for Great Horned Owls, skunks, American Woodcock, and more at a wildlife sanctuary near you.

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This article was featured in the Winter 2018 issue of Explore, Mass Audubon's quarterly member newsletter.