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Two Environmental Fellows in the Woods

Environmental Fellowship Program

The Environmental Fellowship Program (EFP) is a 14-month fellowship that expands early career opportunities for young professionals with identities that have been historically underrepresented in the environmental and conservation fields.  

Throughout their fellowship, fellows gain hands-on experience within a Mass Audubon department, build professional connections in the environmental field, cultivate relationships with mentors within and beyond Mass Audubon, and acquire the tools to center Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Justice, and Accessibility (DEIJA) in their work, as they embark upon their careers.  

Hands-on Experience  

Fellows are immersed in different departments at Mass Audubon based on their strengths, interests, and past experiences. Placements in areas like climate education, bird conservation, ecological restoration, land conservation, urban land conservation, and arts and education represent Mass Audubon’s multifaceted approach to protecting the nature of Massachusetts. 

While the program is based out of the Diversity & Inclusion Division, each fellow is an integral part of the team within their specific department. They contribute to projects, pursue their professional interests, and advance Mass Audubon’s mission and goals. 

The work of a fellow features on-the-job skill-building and the opportunity to lead on projects and gain valuable experience. By the end of their fellowships, fellows have the skills they need to hit the ground running in the environmental field and beyond. 

Environmental Fellows 2022-2023 Cohort
Environmental Fellows 2022-2023 Cohort

Supportive Professional Community  

The EFP creates a supportive professional community through its cohort model and mentorship opportunities. Each cohort of fellows spends 14 months together, building a community of peers and gaining an interdisciplinary perspective on Mass Audubon’s work across many areas.  

The Early Career Program Manager facilitates regular cohort check-ins that include structured discussions and article readings centered around the intersection of conservation and justice. In these discussions, fellows can learn from and alongside each other as they engage with environmental justice ideas and topics.  

Mentorship is also integral to the EFP. Fellows are assigned mentors from both within Mass Audubon and beyond through connections with community partners and environmental and conservation organizations. Fellows meet one-on-one with their mentors twice a month to discuss the fellow's future career plans and professional interests. Mentors act as a sounding board and additional resource beyond Mass Audubon, helping fellows determine both their long-term goals and what they hope to accomplish during their time at Mass Audubon.

Two Environmental Fellows in the Woods

Professional Development  

As part of their professional development, fellows attend conferences in their areas of interest and go on trips to various Mass Audubon sanctuaries and partner organizations. These experiences provide diverse perspectives on the environmental field and Mass Audubon’s approach to addressing today's most pressing environmental issues.   

Fellows also participate in a series of workshops where they learn to highlight their skills and experience in résumés, cover letters, and job interviews.  

Each fellow plans and executes a professional project that combines their professional interests with DEIJA ideals and Mass Audubon’s top-level priorities. The project culminates in a symposium where fellows share their work and its lasting impact with the Mass Audubon community.

How to Apply 

Sign up for email alerts to be notified when the next application period opens in 2025. Fellowship positions for the current cohort include:

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Young woman looking down at a leaf

Help the EFP Grow  

Each year, EFP cohorts are selected from a pool of hundreds of qualified applicants; the need for equitable early career opportunities is clearly strong and growing. You can contribute to expanding early career opportunities for young people of all backgrounds who want to join the environmental field.  
